Sunday, 24 January 2016

▎ 街邊ㄧ:十月月圓的牛奶澡(Paal Kudam)

十月月圓的牛奶澡(Paal Kudam)
往年,大寶森不外乎ㄧ二月份炙熱天氣,很難靜下心來做點東西,這次刻意想要整理點什麼。延續十月第一日的煮粥日(Thai Pongal),大寶森(Thai-pusam) 就是十月的月圓之日(pusam意思是月光),沒錯啊白天歷經了遊行,晚上女兒身體不適我在深夜忙進忙出,一夜未眠看到房子的每個窗口都在異常皎潔的月光下。

最鍾意的其實是不鏽鋼的牛奶罐,人們沿著水邊(瀑布路)走到卻替兒廟的路上,沿路販賣罐裝或紙盒的低脂牛奶,開蓋裝進牛奶後用簡單的黃布覆蓋並且紮上橡皮圈。有時捧著壺,有時頂在頭上,有時放在贖罪架(kavadi) 的T型粗木上,有時充作沿路幫助降溫的撥水器皿,有時被象徵符碼化ㄧ串串地被鉤在擁有神力的身軀上。

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

▎ 電髮記(perm)


perm v.

20 Jan 2016

#LuLukis #LuisaHung #justforfun  Facebook

Saturday, 16 January 2016

▎ 4吋半粿加必攻略(4 1/2 inches Kuih Kapit)

4 1/2 inches Kuih Kapit


很多年前初來乍到此過新年,一吃粿加必就覺得樣子和味道很像「沒有奶油的法蘭酥」,長夾子上的圓面以短弧線組成,包括小鴨子、公雞、兔子和鸚鵡等各式圖騰。從材料、器具圖騰到製作方法可以發現非常馬來風格,源自娘惹(peranakan) 的餅乾,在尋常的馬來或華人家庭都會出現,拿著小板凳坐在店屋天井或家門口前的人們,一做就是一整天。

Friday, 15 January 2016

▎ 淡米爾人慶豐收(Thai Pongal)

Thai Pongal

Pongal在南印度、錫蘭是淡米爾人的大日子,時間約莫落在淡米爾曆的第十個月份(Thai),在印度算冬至,也是冬季感謝太陽神(Surya=🌞)為大家帶來糧食穀物而慶祝豐收的感恩節。因此人們會在家中院子走廊或寺廟中,趁著太陽初升起時豎立三枝甘蔗枝,並用木條起火,上面架著繪有植物圖樣的陶甕,烹煮熱熱的pongal粥以感謝---Ponga這個字代表「煮沸、火滾」,所以常常看到牛奶沸騰的圖畫。當牛奶煮沸了,再添加米、麥片、紅豆、葡萄乾、腰果、薑黃等香料,超級甜的粥則加了以棕櫚樹製成的塊狀黃糖(jaggery)熬製而成,有時甜中帶著些許的辛辣感 。



My friend Jega reminded me that there is Thai Pongal ceremony today. The Tamils will settle earthen jar, sugarcane, porridge, cattle and kolam for celebration.

Pongal is the first day of the tenth month “Thai” in Tamil calendar no matter what religious faith you are belonging to. Pongal, the winter solstice day of India, people will convey their thanksgiving to Surya, the god of Sun. The family begins the day early and set up tripod of sugarcane that is facing the sun in the courtyard of house or temple and catch fire by woodpile. They put some painted colourful pattern earthen jar on it and boil the porridge with milk. Pongal means boil the rice, and add some grains and spices including jaggery (palm sugar), cereals, mung beans, raisins, chews nuts and turmeric, and etc..  

The four-day ceremony was consist of 1) to clean the house, it means cycling 2) to pray Surya, the nature spirits and so on, to draw a geometric rangoli under the sugarcane tripod 3) cattle, the assistance in providing a successful harvest to whole family. People feed cattle the porridge and paint some pink on its forehead and horns 4) to visit friend and siblings each other, it encourage social conhesiveness .

At the meanwhile, the Chinese prepare for their lunar new year as well. 

15-18 Jan 2016

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Sunday, 3 January 2016

▎ 哥賓星做生日(Birthday Celebration for Guru Gobind Singh Ji)

Sikh Gurdwara


說是「做生日」,包括念誦跟哥賓星有關的經文,並在九點行升旗典禮。做生日跟平常一樣五點鐘就要去先師的閨房(畫面左上角,後來一位超熱情女士主動帶我進門瞧瞧喔!)把那本重要的書請到中間的粉紅色高臺, 晚上休息了書本也要回有冷氣天鵝絨布床架的閨房休息呢!

他們堅稱那不只是一本書 "It's not a book, it's a living guru"

唸經的時候,因為女生只能坐在祈禱空間的右側,所以畫了專門念誦經文的教堂樂團 背面啦,其中中央藍包巾藍長袍的是主持整場儀式最重要的牧師,他是樂團的主唱和主要念誦者,因為一直沒看到正面,後來他主持升旗典禮才發現哇~好帥

樂團的配樂不算複雜,兩台架高的風琴其實只用左手彈奏配音,後來樂團也「換班」,女信眾、小孩都上場唱誦打鼓搖鈴,原來在每個星期六的旁遮普語言學校中也可以來學習唷,其中,有點冗長的念經,白色長毛刷 幾乎不間斷的左右揮動,持續地揮舞毛刷表示不間斷的敬意。儀式暫告一段落,ㄧㄧ分食經祈禱儀式的麵粉甜食,分食代表分享祝福,這種甜食如果未經祈禱只能稱作gappa。雖說暫告段落,但三天的生日會祈禱聲是不能間斷需要持續數十個小時的。

錫克教堂外舉行升旗典禮,因為象徵錫克教繡著錫克教logo的橘色旗幟全年都高高升起,因此趁著做生日這天更換久經使用的褪色旗,除了包著橘色頭巾的子弟兵樂團,眾人看著新旗子冉冉飄揚,意思是「代表真理的風」, 結束時小男生高舉彎彎的劍 。

在第十位先師哥賓星生日這天,知道女生也可以配戴劍、參與祈禱或學習彈奏樂器,真是很真實體會這個還算年輕的宗教(1998年才採用自己的曆法),在哥賓星時代除了確立五個K's, 至今仍體現任何人皆平等的教義,我讀到的不是宗教,而是一種人的價值,突破舊有宗教的各種藩籬。

In the early morning 6 A.M., we were wearing orange kerchief and take some chapati, milk tea with cinnamon and some vegetarian food at the public canteen in Gurdwara which provide food for homeless or non-Sikhs all the time. They said if you are hungry you are not eager to do praying.

They celebrated the birthday of Sri Guru Gobind Singh by singing hymns and hanging Sikh flag together. On 5 A.M. ,they get the hymnbook ”Guru” from a small bedroom "sachkhard" and put it on the pink Tabia and in the midnight the book will put back into the bedroom with air conditioner.
"It's not a book, it's a living guru." Declared by Sikhs .The hymnbook also confirm by Guru Gobind Singh.

The granthi who wear dark blue robe and scarf, he is the priest. While singing hymns, the female must to sit at the right side (facing the main door), so I decided to sketch Kirtan Jetha, the lived band. The background music is not complicated, the instruments are comprising two organs that played by left hand only, a pair of tabla, timbourine and cymbals. The children Kirtan Jetha from Saturday religious school also perform at the meanwhile. Most important of all, female can be a part of them. The white brush named chaur swing without a stop while worship and it means to show respect persistently. Finally, they distribute all visitors with Karah parshad (a kind of Sikh pastry blessed by guru, if not praying, it only named gappa).In three days ceremony, hymn non-stop.

In Gurdwara, the Khanda emblem flag will hang constantly, and they will replace a new one today (sometimes twice a year). The children Kirtan Jetha whom wear orange kerchiefs played a role in the ceremony as well. The meaning of Hanging the flag is to breeze the wind of truth, and then one boy who lift a Kirpan at the end of ritual.

Today, I comprehend that female Sikhs also can wear a Kirpan, participate the ceremony and learn how to play the instruments. They emphasize the equality between genders. They acclaimed it was not a religion but a value of human beings, and try to destroy the power of limitation in traditional community.

Informant: Guru Karnail Singh

17 Dec 2015
3 Jan 2016

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